Motor Assembly
Motor Assembly Activity
- HD Hex
- 550 Motor Plate
- Output Cartridge
- 3:1 Gearbox Cartridge (0-3)
- 4:1 Gearbox Cartridge (0-3)
- 5:1 Gearbox Cartridge (0-3)
- Tools needed(m3 allen hex key)
Assemble a motor with differing gear ratios to create stronger motor output force(torque)
Steps on how to assemble the motor
What do gearboxes do exactly:
Control over reducing speed and increasing torque(rotational force).
Why is this helpful:
HD Hex motor(the base motor) without any gearboxes is too weak and too fast to be useful for most cases. Increasing the gear ratio, ie. adding more gearboxes will increase torque and reduce speed.
How to combine gear ratios:
Gear Ratio is determined by multiplying the gearboxes assembled onto the motor. For example, if a motor has a 5:1 and a 4:1 gearbox, the final gear ratio or gear reduction is 20:1. Although a gearbox might say 5:1, the real gear ratio is 5.23:1. Refer to this for the actual gear ratio of all the UltraPlanetary Gearboxes.
Additional Info
To learn more about UltraPlanetary GearBoxes read through REV’s official documentation on UltraPlanetary Gearboxes.
More about motors and gearboxes!