Contribute to this Website

Remember that this website is for a school club, keep it school appropriate.*

How to Contribute to this Website

Contributing to this site is a great opportunity to aid Westwood Robotics in its mission as well as gain experience through teaching.

If you want to contribute, just follow these steps. (no programming experience required!)

Step 1: Become a Member

Make sure that you are a member of the Westwood Robotics Github organization.

How to check if you are already a member:

On the Westwood Robotics Organization Github Page, click on the people section or just follow this link.

if you don’t have a github account already, create one.

If you are not already a member:

Fill out this google form (must be logged into RRISD email to do so) and we will add you to the organization as soon as possible.

Step 2: Accessing your page

I’ll start this step with instructions on how to access a page for editing, then end with how to create one.

Open the project in Github

On the Westwood Robotics Page in Github, navigate to the repositories tab and open the repository titled wwroboftc.

if you have a preferred IDE, feel free to follow the next few steps using your IDE after cloning the project.

Click on the pages folder. IMAGE

Inside of the pages folder navigate to whichever folder contains the page that you would like to edit.

NOTE: the pages titled are in reality called whatever folder name which they are in. For example, inside of the programming folder is the page

Once you’ve found the file you want to edit, open it up.

Step 3: laying down your knowledge

Edit the md file

You can edit the pages using Markdown. If you do not know what markdown is, learn about it here.

If you want to embed google slides, google docs, or need any help with editing the md file, contact Reet (Discord: DrIronfist#2548), Jadon (Discord: jadopotato#4717), or Abraham (Discord: Cesar_Oso#7229).

Also here are two very useful tips for editing md files:

  • When adding a link, if you want the link to open in a new tab use this html tag instead of traditional markdown:
<a href="link/goes/here" target="_blank">link text goes here</a> <!--- Leave the target blank thingy the same --->
  • and if you want to add an image you get a lot more formating options using this html tag instead of traditional markdown:
<img src="image-file-location/image.jpg" alt="alternative text">

Creating a New Page

If you want to add something to the website that wouldn’t fit in any of the already present pages, you can create a new page.

Find a Folder

Find a folder (programming, CAD, etc..) that best suites your new page. If you feel that there needs to be a new folder, then contact Reet (Discord: DrIronfist#2548), Jadon (Discord: jadopotato#4717), or Abraham (Discord: Cesar_Oso#7229).

Create a file

Create a new file that ends in .md. Whatever you name this file will be the URL extension. For example, if you call your file and put it in the programming folder, your page can be reached at When you write your file name make sure that it has no spaces, as this will do wierd stuff to the URL.

Add this

Before you do anything to the file, copy and paste the following code to the top of the md file:

title: the title of your page (will be displayed on your page)
description: a description of your page (will be displayed on your page)
layout: ../../layouts/MainLayout.astro

don’t change that last line unless your md file is

  • inside of a folder inside of a folder in the pages folder (add a ../)
  • or inside only the pages folder (take away one ../) in which cases you would have to change the number of ../s

After this you should be good to go adding markdown to your page and editing the file!

NOTE: DO NOT add anything between the sets of ---!!!

Add your page to the sidebar

If you feel your page will be accessed frequently then it might be a good idea to add your page to the left sidebar. To do so open config.ts in the src folder and add the following line to a place in the file, which corresponsed to where you want your link to appear on the sidebar:

{ text: 'Text to be shown for the link', link: 'the link path minus the wwroboftc and main parent folder' },


I’m trying to find a better way currently, but for now adding images to this site is going to be a pain. Here is the process for adding images:

  1. is your image already online on another site? If so, less go, cuz its waaayy easier to add images this way. Simply click “copy image address” after right clicking the image you want. Copying the image address You can skip to step 6.
  2. Now if your image is not already online (ex: a screenshot), the process will be a little harder. First make sure your image is saved as either a png, jpg, or gif. If you want to add a file of another format ask Reet (Discord: DrIronfist#2548), Jadon (Discord: jadopotato#4717), or Abraham (Discord: Cesar_Oso#7229) to add it to the site.
  3. Now that you have your image, create the folder src/images/CAD hardware manufacturing programming outreach or contribute/page-name if it does not already exist. Add your image there. Now push your changes to github.
  4. Once your image has been pushed to github, navigate on the github website to where your image is stored in the repo. Ex: Alt text
  5. Open the image on github. Right click on the image itself now, and click copy image address in the same manner as depicted in step 1. Use this link in the next step.
  6. Next create a markdown image tag where you would like you image to go. It looks like this:
![alt text](image address)
  1. Congratulatious, you have image.

Other Changes to the Site

If you have or want to gain programming experience, head over to the issues tab of this repository on github to find coding tasks that need working on.

Even if you don’t feel like writing any code but feel strongly that there need to be changes to the site (not related to page content), then feel free to add an issue and mark it as an enhancement (for new feautres/styling) or bug (for problems). Remember, issues on github does not always mean problems.


First try googling your issue. If that doesn’t work, then contact Reet (Discord: DrIronfist#2548), Jadon (Discord: jadopotato#4717), or Abraham (Discord: Cesar_Oso#7229).

Learn Markdown

Try using this link totally not a rickroll